Digital Photography & Imaging: Project 01

WEEK 01 - WEEK 05 (23/08/2021 - 22/09/2021)
Adena Tan Sue Lynn (0345769)
Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Digital Photography & Imaging: Project 01 / Exercises

Physical Collage
Find my process to create this physical collage in Week 02.

Figure 1.1 Final Physical Collage

Digital Collage

Find my process to create this digital collage in Week 03 & Week 04.

Figure 2.1 Final Digital Collage


This project introduced me to the world of collage. Before this project, I had only done collages physically. However, I never really payed attention to how they could be done well. I used to only simply stick whatever I thought would look nice, without a single thought. I also was able to learn the basics of Photoshop with this exercise, not having ever used it before. It was an overall interesting process, even with the major glitches my laptop gave me. I am grateful for this first project as I was able to learn even more than I expected. 

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