Brand Corporate Identity: Task 04

WEEK 09 - WEEK 13 (25/10/2022 - 25/11/2022)
Adena Tan Sue Lynn (0345769) / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Brand Corporate Identity
Task 04



Lectures 01 - 03 can be found here.

Lectures 04 & 05 can be found here.


As this task coincides with Publishing Design: Task 03(B), there will be factors that will be mentioned in that post. 

Finding Inspiration

Before beginning anything, I decided to find some inspiration on Pinterest. I aimed to find inspiration to get some qualities of what I thought would be best for the Sobuya brand. 

Figure 1.1.1 Inspiration

Once I had observed the many existing works done by other designers, I noted that I would like to use the idea of neat columns in order to be able to keep the classiness of Sobuya's look such in the works below.

Figures 1.1.2-1.1.4 Brand Guidelines which utilise columns

Finding the right layout

To start, I just went right in and created grids and margins to get a start in my work. Below are the four which I had made to start.


I ended up choosing margin layout #3 in my end product. Below is the measurements which I used.

Figure 1.2.1 Margins & Columns Settings

I did try many outcomes in order to determine the best layout for myself. 

(The above showcases tryouts only, ensuring I got the idea I wanted laid out in B&W before inputting any colours).

After I had received feedback from Mr Vinod, I managed to create the final version, which features a better use of navigation, and utilised the columns to create a more cohesive look for the Sobuya brand.

Finding Images

I also utilised Pinterest to find images which I would use for the brand guideline. I used some images from my existing board, food. I also created a new Pinterest board to further target images I would like to use; sobuya

Figure 1.3.1 Pinterest boards

Updating+Creating Content

Despite worrying about the layout, I tried to update the content used for the Brand Guideline after receiving Ms Lilian's feedback pertaining the previous task. The slides which I have created below showcase it better. 

I also created elements to be used in the Brand Guideline for Interactivity, to entice readers as seen above. 

Making the Brand Guideline

Moving on is my brand guideline's progress according to each week. 

Week 11:


Week 12:

Week 13:

Final Thumbnails:

Figures 1.3.1-1.3.4 Thumbnails


Note: The document is best viewed on Google Chrome after downloading.

Figure  2.1.1 Final Brand Guideline, Sobuya - PDF


Week 11 [08/11/2022]

The layout can look a bit stagnant but Ms Lilian agreed that my movement in the later pages were better as it looked more visually interesting. Ms Lilian suggested I use content to fill up my grey areas to showcase if it would work as that is the true way to know and solidify my idea.

After showing her second part, Ms Lilian said she has mixed emotions abut it as it looks still plain. She suggested for me to bring in my brands' colours as they were currently not there.

Week 12 [15/11/2022]

Ms Lilian said my layout was ok and she provided me some suggestions to areas I was unsure of (my brand patterns, etc). She also informed me to introduce more of my brand colour to my work as the last section feels so exciting in comparison to the first section. She also told me to further colour correct my images so that they match better. For my navigation, she suggested using a green instead of the red bean colour I had established.



Overall, I would say that I really learnt a lot from this experience. I kept reminding myself to keep things consistent, but not to make it look too static, which presented a true learning curve for me at the start. While I knew I had to make my brand guideline match my logo and had some ideas as to how, I was a tad bit lost with how to start. However, with Ms Lilian & Mr Vinod's feedback, I was able to find my way and create a brand guideline which I am really proud of. 


Observing was a very important strat to ensuring I created a brand guideline I was satisfied with. Without finding any sort of inspiration, I think my brand guideline would've been absolute doodoo. I fully believe that using observation and finding things that other designers have done successfully and incorporating that in my design has made it elevated and allowed me to have a good looking brand guideline. 


When doing this, I was able to find out the best ways to carry out a brand guideline, especially for my own. Finding the style for Sobuya and discovering further ways to ensure that I did not stray away provided me a learning step to improve my ability to stay consistent as a designer.  


For my further reading, I opted to read an article recommended by Ms Lilian. 

Figure 3.1.1 How to create a brand style guide

After reading the article, I was able to understand the aim of having a brand guideline and what to include (mission, vision, target audience, values, etc). The article also taught the details to include which was a really good reminder as to how to continue to build the brand's identity within the guideline. 

At the end of the article, there was a reminder to revisit the brand periodically. It was really heartwarming to know that despite my brand's growth, I am able to nurture and further improve the identity if I ever need to. 


Chan, S. (2019). How to create a brand guide style.

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