Intercultural Design: Task 02

WEEK 04 - WEEK 05 (24/01/2022 - 06/02/2022)
Adena Tan Sue Lynn (0345769) / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Intercultural Design
Task 02: Field Study



Week 05 [31/01/2022]

For data collection, it should revolve answering the research questions. You may stumble across any interesting facts outside of your questions, but do include it. When doing it, think about how your materialising ur chosen idea and the materials you decide to use. Simply put, look wider, what are the other things that you need to collect other than interviews & literature. 

With survey, you have to see what you want to achieve with the survey. Sometimes, interviews may be better, if you want to find out about them. With interviews, you may be able to get more specific and elaborative answers than with a survey. There's no minimum number of participants needed, as long as it can answer your research questions, and help u materialise ur outcome. Remember to put in evidence of interviews, if not, it will not be assessed. (Record audio or transcribe interview in writing or upload to YT & embed)

No minimum or maximum number of slides as long as you put in your data collection.

Deadline: We will give you until Monday 07/01 to submit data collection. 

Method of Submission: Pre-recorded video, similar to proposal, but use Zoom/Discord to record (video size about 100MB). 

Put your submission:

1) Video presentation 

2) Two Decks

  • Summarisation of your data collection (Summary)
  • Another version of full data collection. (Everything collected)

Think about the message you want to give for your outcome. You can choose 2 of the questions out of your research, decide your message. Decide what is the best form to deliver that message/culture. Can be digital, physical, no limit for size.


26/01/2022 (Wednesday)

Today, my group and I called to discuss our data collection. Below is our meeting minutes. 

We discussed our contributions for the art book as well as the page dimensions. Then, we started doing our slides, setting up a clear direction for our data collection 

29/01/2022 (Saturday)

I did Google Research, targeting the first research question, "How can we create/simulate the safe haven concept for the viewer with our projects?"

30/01/2022 (Sunday)

Today, I edited some slides with Adeline as we were both free. (Dubulyn is my ID on Discord)

Figure 1.1.1 Discussion with Adeline.

01/02/2022 (Tuesday)

Today, I helped compile all the Data Research my members and I have done. Below is the unfinished document. 

04/02/2022 (Friday)

During today's meeting, we had finalized the slides as well as the Data Research document. We also discussed our parts for the presentation. Below is the meeting minutes.

05/02/2022 (Saturday)

Today, we recorded our presentation on Discord.

Final Submission:


27/01/2022 (Thursday)
Ms Anis sent into our channel:

good proposal. some comments:

1- RQ1 - How can we create/simulate the safe haven concept for the viewer with our projects?
2- Best ideas: Project idea 1, 2 and 5 - Execution wise and resource capacity

31/01/2022 (Monday)
General Feedback: Issues in recording separately are different audio quality, & file size gets very big. Next time, please record using Zoom instead. Please record with all members (some people recorded with less members and sent twice). Preliminary ideas cannot be very direct, its not wrong but it's not the direction that should be taken as you have to see the objectives and research questions.


This task has allowed me to learn various ways of collecting data. Usually, I have only done Google Surveys and Google Research for my previous projects, and never have experimented with Voice/Physical Interviews. Overall, I found it to be an eye-opening experience as I feel like the people I interviewed gave more in-depth answers than they would if they just took the survey. Overall, I do think that this process will teach me to be a better designer in the future, where I know now, better ways to find information and collect data.

Trip Reflection

Figure 2.1.1 Me & Adeline!

Overall, I really enjoyed this trip! To be honest, I didn't know what to expect, as I have never learnt about the Mah Meri Culture before. It was very interesting and eye-opening to see their culture and their processes to bring peace. In school, I never was given the chance to learn about the Mah Meri culture as in depth as I was during this trip. It was also very interesting to partake in different activities such as the dagger 'origami' and the 'wedding ceremony'! I am very grateful to have been given the experience to go. 

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