Information Design: Final Project

WEEK 03 - WEEK 08 (20/01/2022 - 25/02/2022)
Adena Tan Sue Lynn (0345769) / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Information Design
Final Project



Week 01

04/01/2022 [Tuesday]

Today, I formed a group with Adeline, Alicia, Diane, Yi Ki and Sasilvia. 

After getting into our groups, we discussed which script we would prefer for the video. We read over the script and voted for the first part of the script. Then, we agreed to meet the next day to have a discussion.

05/01/2022 [Wednesday]

Today, during our meeting we established a few things, such as the moodboard, the sensitive topics, divided our parts and more.

08/01/2022 [Saturday]

We discussed what we wanted our narrator to be like, deciding on a triangle like figure. While doing this, we also created a moodboard. Below is the final after Alicia compiled it together. 

Figure 1.1.1 Final Moodboard

Week 02

15/01/2022 [Saturday]

Today, I completed my initial frames. 

Frame 02:

Figure 1.2.1 & 1.2.2 Frame 02 Storyboard

Frame 03:

Figure 1.2.3 - 1.2.5 Frame 03's Storyboard

Week 03

19/01/2022 [Wednesday]

We had a meeting to breakdown the video's narration and frames.

Week 05

03/02/2022 [Thusday]

After our meeting with Mr Martin, we decided that we needed a different setting to ensure a consistency in styles & it'll be more efficient. Thus, we decided:

Sketches: Sasilvia
Line-Art: Diane
Colouring: Alicia
Animating: Adeline & Yi Ki
Editing: Adena

However, I volunteered to help with line-art & colouring whenever needed. 

04/02/2022 [Friday]

Today, I did my animatics. Below is the final animatic video.

05/02/2022 [Saturday]

Today, we established a timeline in order for us to not slack off when carrying out the final video.

Sketch - 3 days 
Vector line art - 3 days 
Vector colouring- 3 days (or 2 days)
Animation - 4 days (or 5 days)
Editing- 1 day

06/02/2022 [Sunday]

Today, I helped to line art frame 03. 

Figure 1.3.1 Screenshot of Frame 03 in Illustrator.

Week 06

09/02/2022 [Wednesday]

Today, I coloured Frame 03! 

Figure 1.4.1 Frame 03 Coloured.

11/02/2022 [Friday]

I did Part 01 of the lineart for Frame 13.

Figure 1.4.2 Frame 13 Pt 1 Line Art.

12/02/2022 [Saturday]

I coloured Frame 14. Below is the screenshot.

Figure 1.4.3 Frame 14 Coloured.

13/02/2022 [Sunday]

The next day, I continued on with Frame 15. 
Figure 1.4.4 Frame 15 Coloured.

Week 07

15/02/2022 [Tuesday]

After realising that Frame 13 Pt 1 wasn't coloured, I did it.

Figure 1.5.1 Frame 13 Pt 1 Coloured.

17/02/2022 [Thursday]

In the morning, I prepared a small compilation of our animated frames for Mr Martin. Below is the video.

Week 08

21/02/2022 [Monday]

After confirming all the frames were okay, I compiled them together. For frames 01 - 10, I applied an Audio Gain of +3dB, whereas for frames 11 - 17, I applied an Audio Gain of -3dB to ensure that the voice overs were even volumes, ensuring they didn't go over -6dB. 

Then, I added sound effects. The link to my playlist for the sound effects can be found here

To see the different stages of the video, do check out this Google Drive folder.

Final Submission:


25/01/2022: Easily visual, character can come in easily. Target audience is female. How do you want the tone to be presented? Consistency of art directions. Rely on mood board and art directions. Don’t have to worry about explicit. Plan about movement but simple. Can zoom out from frame 02-06. Consistency in art. Split thing usually is for comparing. For same things, just zoom in. Have an emotion so that the visuals mean something to us. info and visuals presented but is missing something. want to see something from a POV, rather than neutral. Mr Martin is worried about the speed. Do the animatics so we know the flow. Yi ki’s version two is more fun! Very nice.

08/02/2022: Flow part done by Sasilvia is promising. If this is how it works, final outcome will be good. Very clear in visual and animation. Assign her as illustrator. As long as animatic/blue print is there, how is the group rearranging the tasks. As soon as current is done, animators can continue. Sounds like we are planning very well. Good job 


Frame 01: omg, its not worth it to make ur narrator lipsync. can we not do that since it's week 07 </3 simple movement, just like the girl, would be good enough. do it simple. 

Frame 11: Subtle & nice. Animated according to contents. Well done.

Frame 14: This is simple. 10-20 mins for lipsync one scene, its ok. Just don't spend the entire night to sync the words. Apply motion blur to the menstruation products.

Frame 15: Nice, things like that, nice. If you have all the scenes done like that, it'll be good work.

17/02/2022: SO far great, but consider sound effects. (1.32) Love everything watched. Like tasty food without salt and pepper? Colour looks washed out in different parts. 

Animation 1:55 start slow but be fast. Current is distractive bc of Doraemon hand. Why the narrator come back, i will look at him. If want to emphasise the narrator, use words or bounce effects.

Caption to help. 2:16. AE can run numbers from 1-28, can go longer or shorter.

Why background move horizontally slightly 2:21.


With this project, I was able to learn how to create a good motion graphic video in a team. I am very grateful for the group I found, as everyone provided insightful opinions and teamwork which benefitted us all, allowing us to learn more together, than we would have if we just did it ourselves.

I am sure this project will definitely benefit us in the future. For that, I am tremendously thankful. 

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