Information Design: FLIP Exercises
WEEK 01 - WEEK 02 (06/01/2022 - 14/01/2022)
FLIP 01: Types of Infographics
FLIP 01: Types of Infographics
Before finding any poorly constructed infographics, I decided to look at what makes an infographic. In my discovery, I found this subreddit on Reddit called r/Infographics in which users post Infographics. The pinned post of the subreddit leads to a website which specifies what makes an infographic an infographic.
Overall, I felt these three pictures allowed for me to quickly learn the basics of an infographic, as it can't be just information with nonsense graphics. It has to be thought out, as information and graphics lace their hands together properly.
Individual Task
Thus, I scrolled through the subreddit, and found this particular post.
I found the infographic distasteful due to how the information was presented. It may have be because of the text being terribly narrow and forced into the circles, or how it feels very forced. I decided this was the infographic I would like to try and re-design.
Firstly, I looked at some infographic examples on Canva which were listed under Informational Infographics. Below are a few of which I liked!
Then, I decided to look through some colour palettes on Pinterest to help get a clearer idea in my head. I thought of using either a brighter colour palette as I wanted it to easily capture the audience's attention or a calmer palette to make it easier on the eyes. Here are some I was interested in using:
For the online infographic tool, I decided to use Canva to make my infographic. These are the details:
Typefaces Used:
- Header: Agrandir Wide Medium
- Sub-header: Garet
- Text: Agrandir Wide Medium & Agrandir
Altogether, I made four versions with the different colour palettes I found.
Looking at each of them, I like the infographic with the green the best, as the yellow provides a nice contrast to the mellow greens surrounding it. So, I decided for it to be my chosen re-design of the infographic.
Final Re-Designed Infographic.
Group Task
For the group task, all groups were instructed to create a presentation about the Types of Infographics. As a group, we all took to Google Documents first to write down information we had found on the Internet. Then, we got together on a Discord Call to create our slides.
After this, we each went off and filmed out parts of the presentation. After that, we compiled them in a Google Drive folder for Yi Ki to edit it alongside the slides.
Below is the final video which was uploaded on YouTube.
FLIP 02: Saul Wurman's L.A.T.C.H.
On Tuesday (11/01/2022), we got our task to prepare our presentation about Saul Wurman's L.A.T.C.H.. As a group, we agreed to call on Discord at 9pm. During our call, we discussed our slides and made them together in Google Slides.
After we created the slides, we all agreed to record the voice over when we were ready as it was late. For this, I wrote and recorded my part, and gave it to Yi Ki for editing.
Week 02 (13/01/2022, Thursday)
After watching our video, Ms Anis said our narrative in our presentation was good. She also mentioned our information was clear. Overall, it was a good job.
References & Picture Credits