Advanced Interactive Design: Task 02
WEEK 12 - WEEK 16 (19/06/2023 - 18/07/2023)
Adena Tan Sue Lynn (0345769) / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Advanced Interactive Design
Task 02
Planning the Website
First, to start off this project, I decided to create a website for a fictional campaign I did, Daily by Laka. I planned out the pages I wanted to include by listing them down and planning them in Adobe Illustrator.
Below are the final pages for the website.
Adobe Animate Process
Before starting, I studied a few tutorials and websites to get a bit more knowledge of how to create the website I desire. Below are the few tutorials I referred to:
Learn how to create an interactive infographic using Adobe Animate
Create an interactive map in Adobe Animate
Learn how to create a HTML5 expandable banner using Adobe Animate
Tips for Writing Animation Code Effectively
For the code, I utilised gsap and mainly focused on Adobe Animate's animation features.
Figure 1.3.5 Full GSAP Script Used
After I was satisfied with my previews and work, I tested it by using the Simple Web Server application that was recommended by Mr Razif. Following that, I proceeded to upload to Netlify
Netlify Link:
Overall, I would say this task proved helpful to me. Although I struggled with figuring out how websites would be built with a stricter canvas, I was able to use that restriction to try and build a website that felt different from the ones I usually design for my other classes. This project has definitely made me more accepting to the process, and keep on trying even when my website wasn't going the way I expected. It has taught be perseverance in trying to learn new things which I am very grateful for!