Design Research Dissertation: Progression & Feedback

WEEK 01 - WEEK 14 (02/09/2022 - 04/12/2022)
Adena Tan Sue Lynn (0345769) / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Design Research Dissertation
Progression & Feedback


The final submissions can be found here.


Assignment 01: Dissertation Draft

Below's document was the document I edited on before transferring everything to word, where I further edit. 

Figure 1.1.1 Dissertation Draft Document

Assignment 02: Final Dissertation

Below is the slides I used to propose my concept to Dr Jinchi.

Figure 1.2.1 Concept Proposal Slides

To find the images I had sourced for my E-Book, please find them in my Pinterest Board; DRD.

Figure 1.2.2 Pinterest Board

Below are the specific details for book sizing.

Chapter Pages: 30pt
Headline: 18pt 
Body Text Size: 10pt


Figure 1.2.3 Margins & Columns Settings

Assignment 03: Research for Publication

As my brain struggled to write anything for my article in the original document, I opted to write in a separate document first. 

Figure 1.3.1 Writing Document


Week 02

For my themes, A, B, & C were selected as the important bits as they focused on the RQs. D & E were considered minor, and could be grouped due to their similar nature. Dr Jinchi advised me to make my headings more specific & effective as they are currently quite ambiguous. For example, my 'The Minimalism Trend' can be 'The Suitability/Practicality of the Minimalism Trend in Packaging Design'. For my D & E Combined, Dr Jinchi stated to not itemise as it can become overbearing in the end. She also advised me to place an introduction to introduce what packaging design is in one or two paragraphs. She also advised for my Theme C to be linked to Theme D in the end, to make it cohesive. Lastly, I was advised to complete Theme A by Week 04 and to try and start Theme B.

Week 04

For my introduction, it was good as it covered the basis of what I would continue to talk about. I was advised to then have mini segments with italicised bold for my different types of packaging (traditional & modern). Dr Jinchi also advised me to put the images in the beginning as a refresher. I also needed to be consistent with how I capitalised my words as they were not. Dr Jinchi also advised me the exact points where evidence or my secondary sources would be best placed to support my existing evidence. Some sentences were also altered to read better as they might have been a bit confusing.

Week 05

Firstly, Dr Jinchi pointed out my misunderstanding of the numbering system for the dissertation which I fixed. Then she guided me onto combining B & C as they were very related to one another, and answered the RQ02. For my D, Dr Jinchi advised to include as bold & italic heading instead of numbering them. For my respondents' answers from the survey, I need to clarify that they were from the current survey per paragraph. Furthermore, Dr Jinchi advised for my figures to not be side by side, but rather on top of each other to have more visibility. She noted how there were good balances on primary & secondary sources used as evidence. Additionally, Dr Jinchi advised me to look back at all quotes and put a [sic] if there were any grammatical errors found. I could also bring in more observations as evidence to showcase my understanding. Finally, I was advised to wrap it all up in a short paragraph at the end. 

Week 06

Today, Dr Jinchi looked at my conclusion. She helped me reword some parts to make the conclusion have more clarity. She also directed me to add my research methodology and findings to make it make more sense as it was missing a bit. After, she helped answer my questions about the Research Methodology and Findings & Results as I had a bit of confusion on how to place them in the draft. For the research methodology, I require a mini introduction. I should also include a guide to show where Appendix A can be found. At the end, she told me to remember to put page numbers and write an abstract for her to see next week.

Week 07

During the feedback session, Dr Jinchi first looked at my abstract. She reminded me that word count is not very important if my words that fully express the meaning behind my work. She noted that my brief introduction isn't too lengthy, which is good. However, I was missing my research problem and conclusion which needed to be added. For my conclusion, Dr Jinchi helped me reformat some parts for more clarity when reading. She recommended me variation when it comes to sentence structure as it provides more interest when reading. She also recommended me to add some more points into my conclusion to make it whole. For the introduction, I was notified that the theme and topic were not necessary, but is allowed. Additionally, she told me that I could decide to add them in or discard them when editing my book layout later on. 

Week 09

For me, I need to remember that Oatside is a small part of the paper, which would make the Modernism idea a lot better. It is more related to the topic and more clean to the eyes. I should be weary with "Modernism" as it denotes an art movement and has its own specific set of rules. "Form follows function". However, if I follow "modernism" it can mean anything of current times. The book cover of the right was more suitable in terms of minimalism and simplicity, I might want to look around more for the book cover inspiration. For my book layouts, Dr Jinchi agreed that the layouts I had shown have interesting elements. For the one in the middle, the idea showcases potential to lay down charts whereas the one on the side has overlapping ideas which were intriguing. For colour palette, Dr Jinchi said she would go for the cooler tone as the warmer one feels a tad outdated. She suggested seeing if the two could be mixed slightly so that they balance out more. For my text, the body text is alright but the heading typeface feels too related to the Oatside topic. She recommended for me to find a type which is more somber and less playful and to show her two sets next week. 

Week 10

For my cover, Dr Jinchi suggested I find better imagery as the elements in the current picture cover looks more like distractions, rather than decorative elements. It also looked like there's a lot of unnecessary space, making it look very empty. She recommended for me to think about the suitability of the image. She did mention that the cover page is clean. For my layout, she was okay with it and reminded me to include images. She suggested brown images as they would fit my colour palette well. She noted that imagery is currently my main concern.

Week 11

During my feedback session with Dr Jinchi, she noted that my covers this week were better in comparison to the last week. She said the one w the brown packaging & a hand would be better if the image had no hands. Thus, we concluded that my chosen cover should be the one on the right (with the dalgona packaging). For my book contents, I was reminded that the table of contents starts on the right page. Then, Dr Jinchi helped me when I felt a bit lost by suggesting elements to include. I showed her the photos I wanted to include and she helped me strategise the best images to utilise. She also suggested creating a system where there is a torn of elements which come in different variations.

Week 13

For my feedback session, I started with my introduction. Dr Jinchi recommended for my introduction to be just one paragraph, and that the word count I currently have is fine. For my methodology, she stated that it is not required to explain the tool as much as I did, and she helped me cut down from 1.1k words to about 400. She suggested for me to have a paragraph to better brief how the survey was distributed and state how long the survey was open for + how many respondents took the survey. She encouraged my usage of using subheadings to categorise when writing as it is easier to filter and cut down if I need to. Finally, she reminded me to insert the RQ & RO into the problem statement. 

Week 14

During my feedback session, Dr Jinchi provided me ways to better my Findings & Discussions and my Conclusion. As both of them went over the maximum word count, she helped me omit any unnecessary sentences and helped me restructure my sentences to be more clarified and clear. For my findings, she advised me to include more of my data from the survey as it was lacking in that sense. For my conclusion, she helped me figure out how to keep my word count within the limit, but still maintain the same amount of information.

When looking back at my previous work, she advised me to ensure that there is no information related to the RQ1 and RQ2. She read through my problem statement and provided me advise to redirect it to ensure that the paper is precise and did not escalate to the wrong path.

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