Design Research Methodology: Research Reflection Report & Presentation

WEEK 01 - WEEK 15 (31/03/2022 - 09/06/2022)
Adena Tan Sue Lynn (0345769) / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Design Research Methodology
Research Reflection Report & Presentation



Assignment 01: Proposal

Assignment 02: Critical Review

Assignment 03: Research Implementation

Assignment 04: Research Reflection Report & Presentation

Presentation slides can be found here.

Recorded Presentation can be found here.


Week 02 - 07/04/2022

The way I did my citations are good. However, we are advised to use information from the past five years to demonstrate we are in the know of the latest developments. It also depends what you are writing about. Example, when we talk about historical references & more. Besides that, it is important to understand how design plays a role, rather than people. Something I can look into is use of imagery on packaging design, if I were to look into the celebrity idea. I was also advised to think about my topic ansd the select the area of material I choose to study carefully. Depending on the topic, it might be a niche kind of packaging I am looking at. For references, the latest APA style, it doesn't change the order for Malay & Indian names. Overall, the rationale is fine, but make a problem statement. 

For my research questions, Number one is a possibility, but can be refined when ascerting topic. Number two may not be so related right now with the type of feedback given. Number three may not be so suitable. Number four could be a sub-question.

Week 03 - 14/04/2022

My research problem sounds more like given knowledge, almost like I know this for a fact. Dr Jinchi provided me ways to reword & retructure my research problem, and suggested to use a hypothesis. It is also important to state how I found the hypothesis, by citing. WIth that, the research can prove if it is correct or wrong.

When writing the problem statement, you have to elaborate the research problem. Dr Jinchi stated that the problem statement format provided in the slides only applies if there is a problem for us to solve. In the second paragraph, she advised me on elaborating more about ineffective solutions such as following trends. She also recommend adding some visual examples. For my third paragraph, I was advised to edit it, as well as leave out some things as they weren't suitable/needed for my problem statement. 

For research objectives, Research Objective 02 is good, however I will need to think of how to match it. For Research Objective 01, it is too related to number 02's. Dr Jinchi reminded me to not be afraid to have only one research objective/question.

For research questions, both may not be so suitable. They are too wide, for now but it can be held on for conclusion after I have written my research paper later on. For questions, they require to have an analytical mind to use sources to derive an answer. I am to get a better objective and reword the questions. 

Week 05 - 28/04/2022

I was reminded to keep my Google document in a chronological order. For article names, I was advised to make it a generic topic. This will be helpful if I write a review with two similar articles, comparing & critiquing them together. Remember to do in-text citations when needed. 

Dr Jinchi also helped me think of ways to re-word and structure my critique in order to create a better insight of what I thought of the paper. She also advised me to make some parts clearer to the reader.

Week 07 - 12/05/2022

Dr Jinchi reminded the class to include their research problems in the paper. She also reminded that we are supposed to combine the reviews of the research we have found, either by identifying topics or by their segments in the paper. Refrain from stating the article (ex: Article #1 or Article #2). Instead, use in-text citation. Bibliography will be used as references.

When giving me feedback, Dr Jinchi provided me better ways to word my critical review, as some parts were a bit confusing. She also advised me be clearer with the methods of research done, early on in order to make it clear to the reader.

Finally, I was advised to comment if I thought the paper was suitable for my research, or not, to end my review nicely. 

Week 09 - 26/05/2022

When conducting the survey, I was reminded to be careful to identify the products first. For example. the trends in perfume packaging may not relate to food packaging trends. When doing research method, I am required to indicate/select the type of packaging included in the survey. 

Dr Jinchi advised me on some parts of my justification. Firstly, she advised to add a line at the end of introduction, with something along the lines of ""You can allow for qualitative answers with open ended questions"". This is because with open ended questions, it allows participants to state their opinions. Thus, I was also reminded to be careful with the balance of the type of questions. In my second paragraph, I was advised to add how the survey will be relevant for my research topic. as the current one only has a general outlook with no personalised advantages. For my third paragraph, I was advised to state generally that "Internet connection may not be an issue as our research are normally in areas where there is internet connection". Dr Jinchi said my final paragraph is commendable as not many students have added a detail like that before.

For my design research, for designers, I was advised to think if I want to have it open to designers in general, but it depends on the questions chosen. Consider it, but the current rationalisation is well done. Next, I was advised to decide and look at different package design of products. I was also reminded to not forget that I am looking at trends and to remember that my work will carry on to my next semester in dissertation. 

As a class, we were reminded that our surveys require 80-100 responses. We were also advised to design carefully so that they are guided (semi-structured). Not too wild where they can put anything and drastically affect the data, but nothing too tight where they can't express their opinions and thoughts. Furthermore, it was mentioned that each question needs to be justified. Dr Jinchi also mentioned to add her as a collaborator after creating the survey. Additionally, it was reminded that if the questions have a multiple choice answer, ensure that answers are not plucked from the air, but comes from research of people's opinions. This will show where the information is obtained. 

Week 10 - 02/06/2022

For my feedback this week, Dr Jinchi advised me on how to word my questions better to avoid confusing my participants. She also corrected my grammar mistakes.

Other than that, I was advised to cut off Question 12(a) as it was repetitive of Question 11(a).

Week 12 - 16/06/2022

In compilation for Assignment 3, you can highlight the common answers, but all answers must be shown.

Dr Jinchi notified me that it was possible to lay out data and then write a small paragraph (for the general questions).

Week 13 - 23/06/2022

For my first slide, Dr Jinchi advised me to add basic elements of design such as colour to make my presentation more engaging. She also noted for me to add the module code as well as the Final Assignment: Recorded Presentation.

For my second slide, she noted better ways to split my contents, so that they are cleaner and easier to navigate. 

For my seventh slide, Dr Jinchi said she couldn't agree on how I showcased my chosen literature. She suggested for me to remove the journal and place it in the bibliography. Then, she instructed me to have each article's info to be showcased in one slide each. 

For slides 12 & 13, she advised me to merge them. As they are general questions, I can easily use icons and simple words to showcase the data I have collected. 

For the conclusion, she also reminded the class to talk about constraints in research. The examples given were time, participants, etc. 

She also advised me to be wary of how I economise slides, to ensure that my presentation will fall under the given time. 

Week 15 - 07/04/2022

Generally, Dr Jinchi advised us to add our conclusion & references. She also reminded us to start allocating where to place our videos. For the thank you section, we were advised to put that before our reference slides. 

For my data analysis slides, Dr Jinchi advised for me to keep it simple & viewer friendly as it is a bit too wordy. 

Overall, she said my slides are clean and straightforward.



Before this module, I had never had any proper experience to research. For me, I struggled the most during the critical review process. I had some family matters during the time, which somewhat distracted me from the topic, and made me feel quite nervous about being able to read all five research papers. I think it was mainly because I had never been a true fan of reading non-fiction and would take so long to digest a piece of information. However, I am glad that I got through the process as I was able to gather some clarity on package design. Not to mention the fact I now have a critical eye for research papers... Additionally, I had done surveys before, but they were either just for fun or for events. When we were informed that it was ideal to have a minimum of 80 participants, I was originally very nervous. In previous modules, I never got more than 40 responses for my surveys. I think with that experience in other modules, I was very paranoid of not gaining enough participants. Thus, I am glad I became somewhat of a "try hard" in order to get my responses. It is all worth it in the end! (Even if you have to message people you haven't talked to in 3 years.)


Overall, this module has really made me open my eyes to my surroundings. Usually, in my weekend grocery runs, I always just looked at interesting packaging, but never gave it more thought than that! Now, I keep looking at packaging. Especially with the different variations of layouts, colours and more which just make it all just so much more interesting! However, I did notice that my writing skills have somewhat improved with this module. In high school, I always avoided writing factual essays as I thought I never had the skill for it, always opting for story-writing essays. I am quite happy that I got to practice my writing skills through this. 


For me, I found writing research quite hard. When I first started the module, I was definitely not expecting this. However, I found this module very eye opening and intriguing as it made me think more than I usually do. Sometimes, I definitely struggled, as I found it hard to juggle writing to the best of my abilities while balancing other modules. I also found out so many perspectives about package design, and was given the opportunity to learn how to convey so many people's thoughts into summarised versions. I found myself remembering a lesson from Information Design where we were taught that as designers, we have the power to present accurate information to the world. It's a lot of pressure, but I do see how it connects to this module now.

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