Digital Photography & Imaging: Week 11
WEEK 11 (01/11/2021)
Adena Tan Sue Lynn (0345769)
Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Digital Photography & Imaging
Digital Photography
Exposure Setting
Exposure: The amount of light which reaches the camera's sensor or film.
Main Parts of Camera:
Camera Body
- Shutter
- Image sensor
- LCD screen
- Camera Lens
- Aperture / Iris
- Shutter speed & aperture are the only two camera settings that affect the actual luminous exposure of an image.
- Camera ISO affects brightness of photos.
Figure 1.1.5 Iris
- Controls the flow of light that enters the lens
- Measured by f-stop, which is indicated by sequence of f-number. (etc: f/1, f/1.4, f/2, f/2.8, f/4, f/5.6, etc)
- The lower the f-number, the larger the lens opening is.
- A small plastic sheet that opens & closes in order to allow light onto the film/prevent light from reaching film.
- Shutter speed is measured in seconds. (EX: 1/1000s, 1/500s, 1/250s, 1/125s, 1/60s, 1/30s, 1/15s, 1/8s, 1/4s, 1/2s, 1s, 2s, 3s, etc)
Figure 1.1.9 ISO
Figure 1.1.10 ISO
- Refers to sensitivity of film. (Light gathering ability)
- For digital photography, refers to the sensitivity (signal gain) of camera's sensor.
- Common settings are 100, 200, 400, 640, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, etc.
- The lower the number of ISO, the lesser the sensitivity of the camera is to light and finer the grain.
Lens Perspective
Figure 1.2.1 Lens
Types of Lens:
- Wide Angle Lens
- Standard Lens
- Tele Lens
Using the appropriate lenses are important to obtained the desired framing and angle of view.
Each lens is designed for their own specific purpose. They can be characterized using focal length.
- The shorter the focal length, the wider the angle of view.
- The measurement (in mm) from the optical center of a camera lens to the camera's sensor.
Depth of Field:
- The proportion of the image that is reasonably sharp & in focus.
- The smaller the aperture used, the greater the depth of field.
Wide Angle Lens:
- Ideal for large areas in the frame
- Useful for landscape/street photography.
- In wide angle lenses, almost everything is in focus, unless subject is very close to lens.
Standard Lens:
- Offers a fairly accurate representation of the human eye's view in terms of visual angle & perspective.
- Images using this lens are perceived as more natural.
Tele Lens:
- Isolates a subject that is far away.
- Allows to photograph subjects @ a distance because of their magnification
DSLR vs Smartphone
- Familiar device
- Good quality
- Easy to learn
- Still limited
- Good, but not the greatest
- Non-ergonomic build
Smartphones vs DSLR = Convenience vs Quality
- DSLR cameras are designed to capture images
- Phones are designed to carry out multiple functions
- Phone cameras limit by sizes due to the size of lens & size of sensor.
- Entry level DSLRs have larger lenses & sensors than mobile phones
During Mr Martin's practical session, we were challenged to take photos under two types of lighting:
Side Lighting
Rembrandt Lighting
Overall, I found the process interesting despite some difficulties to understand how light falls on the subject at first. However, I did highly enjoy moving the lights around to be able to see what it did for the overall image in the end. I am very grateful to have attended this class, as I do not think I would have had the luxury to experience such hands on work if I had not.